Be prepared
It’s impossible to anticipate every eventuality on the road, but there are some steps you can take to ensure you’re as prepared as possible for any situation you might encounter.
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It’s impossible to anticipate every eventuality on the road, but there are some steps you can take to ensure you’re as prepared as possible for any situation you might encounter.
You can rarely predict when your car is going to break down.
A caravan can give you almost unrivalled freedom and flexibility when you make your holiday plans.
Most children love cars. The excitement of going somewhere usually puts them in a good mood.
Whether it’s fiddling with sat navs, MP3 players or smart phones, there are numerous in-car temptations to draw drivers’ eyes away from the road.
Department for Transport figures reveal around one in five accidents on major roads in the UK are caused by tired drivers.
Compared to other European countries, UK petrol prices are high and rising.
Taking your car on holiday rather than flying means you can take more with you.
It’s illegal to use a hand-held mobile phone while driving.
Motoring law is designed to cut the risk of accidents.
Driving after dark obviously means reduced visibility which can combine with tiredness to make driving more dangerous.
A good way to maintain your independence and get out and about as you get older is to continue to drive.
Taking your pet on holiday can seem like a great idea, until you get on the road.
Although hugely improved car security has seen crime against vehicles falling, it still happens.
Witnessing an accident can be upsetting, but you should try to stay calm.
Whether it’s ‘creative’ hand gestures, flashing head lamps or honking horns, most of us have been victim to road rage in one of its many forms.