Driver training could save your life
Passing a driving test is only the first step towards learning to drive safely. Many people go on to learn bad habits and forget what they were taught. It is possible to get further training that will make you a better, more alert driver who is able to spot signs of danger and better control their car. Here's how.
Just passed?
Take Pass Plus: a course for newly qualified drivers held by registered driving instructors. It includes driving on motorways and at night. To find your nearest instructor, call 0115 936 6504.
Want to learn advanced driving skills?
Skills for Life is a course of lessons and assessment run by the Institute for Advanced Motorists. It’s a great way to get tuition from expert drivers and may even reduce the cost of your insurance.
Drive for work?
If you drive a car, van, bus or lorry as part of your job, your employer has a duty to meet certain legal obligations and ensure you’re trained to carry out the type of driving you’ll encounter at work.
Brake, a campaigning road safety charity, provides free training for company representatives so they in turn can know how best to help drivers. And the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), offers a wide range of risk assessment and driver training solutions.
Driving for fun?
You can learn advanced driving skills on a race circuit or rally course which can help you be a better, more confident road driver. Find your local accredited member of the Association of Racing Drivers Schools (ARDS) at ards.co.uk.
Why not test yourself?
Pick up a copy of the Highway Code at your local bookshop or Post Office. Test your family and friends. The Highway Code is updated regularly and may contain information you didn't know.
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